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About Green Four

Vaczim Investments t/a Green Four Private Limited was incorporated in 2005 under the laws of Zimbabwe. The companys registration number is 3468/2005.

Green Four (Private) Limited is a reputable provider of Services and commodities with particular emphasis on total clientelle satisfaction.


To become a market leader in our operating market in all our chosen business segments in the Building and Plumbing Maintenance and related fields by 2020.


Our main goal is to provide quality and guaranteed services and products to our clients by aligning our business with changing environment and technology backed by strong skilled workforce. The expertise that we have enabled us to assure our customers that our services are to their satisfaction. Our staff will be well rewarded and highly motivated in giving our customers the best value advice by paying attention to detail in all aspects of service provision.

Tax Status

Green Four Pvt Ltd is currently tax cleared for the year with ITF No 200065988


Vaczim Investments t/a Green Four P/L is VAT registered with VAT registration Number 10056166

Banking Details


Branch: Cripps Road

Account Name: Vaczim t/a Green Four P/L

Account number: 2199-1001603


Branch Southerton

Account Name Vaczim t/a Green Four P/L

Account Number 3100-69574

Our Services

  • Plumbing
  • Gutters
  • Ceiling
  • Tilling
  • Roofs
  • Floors
  • Glazing
  • Painting
  • Welding
  • Door repairs
  • Office partitioning
  • Building
  • Supplies